Chicago IL | updated October 6th 2024 |



2015-2022 | Ph.D. in Media Arts and Sciences. "Diagrammatic Media: Subjectivity, Ecology, and Event". School of Arts, Media, and Engineering. Arizona State University.

2012-2015 | M.A. Musicology. Arizona State University.

2007-2012 | B.Music Music History and Literature & German minor. Ohio University.


2018 | Critical Theory Certificate. Arizona State University.

2011-2012 | DAAD. University of Leipzig. Institut fĂĽr Musikwissenschaft; Sprachenzentrum Leipzig.


2024-present | Leonardo/ISAST. Researcher.

2021-present | Art Technology / Sound Practices. School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

2023-present | New Media Area. School of Art and Art History. University of Illinois Chicago.

2021 | New Media Area. School of Art. SUNY Purchase.

2015-2019 | Synthesis, Arizona State University. Research Assistant.

2012-2021 | School of Art, Media and Engineering / School of Music. Arizona State University. Teaching Assistant, Instructor of Record.




Vasquez, A., Wells, T., Basu, M., Johnson, G. "From Technique to Technicity: Explorations of Chairs, Neurodiversity, and Schooling." 2022. Special issue "Thought in Motion: Erin Manning's Imperatives for Educational Research and Qualitative Inquiry", eds. Joseph Sweet et al. in Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 13, no. 3.

Johnson, G.L., Peterson, B.J., Ingalls, T., Sha., X.W. "Ensemble, Entrainment, and Movement in the Mess of the Matter: Non-anthropocentric Design of Responsive-Media Environments". 2019. Special issue "Somaesthetics and Technology"Journal of Somaesthetics 4, no. 2.


Bratt, J., Johnson, G.L., Mechtley, B., Nocek, A., Ingalls, T., Sha., X.W. "Heat and Noise (Renao): Media Ecologies and Urban Futures" 2019. in Proceedings of 6th Annual International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO). Tempe, USA. DOI: 10.1145/3347122.3359603.

Johnson, G.L., Peterson, B.J., Ingalls, T., Sha., X.W. "Lanterns: An Enacted and Material Approach to Ensemble Group Activity with Responsive Media" w. Britta Joy Peterson, Todd Ingalls, Sha Xin Wei, in Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO). 2019. Genoa, IT. DOI: 10.1145/3212721.3212848.

Montpellier, E., Johnson, G., Al Faleh, O., Gigantino, J., Kidane, A., Chandolias, N., Rawls, C., Ingalls, I., Sha, X.W. “Suturing Space: Tabletop Portals for Collaboration" in Proceedings of International Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI). 2015. Los Angeles. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20916-6_44.


Sha, X.W, Johnson, G.L. "Rhythm and Textural Temporality". Rhythm and Critique, eds. Paola Crespi and Sunil Manghani. Edinburgh University Press. 2022.

Johnson, G.L. "Post Tenebras Lux." The Anthropocene Laboratory, ed. Fröydi Laszlo. 284 Publishers. 2024.



2022 | Outstanding Graduate Award, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, Arizona State University.

2020 | Teaching Excellence Award, Arizona State University


2019-20 | Graduate College Fellowship. Arizona State University. $10,000.

2018-19 | Graduate College Fellowship. Arizona State University. $10,000.

2019 | Revisiting Cybernetic Serendipity Student Fellowship. Role Play Symposium at National Academy of the Sciences. $2000.

2019 | Center for Philosophical Technologies. Experimental Fellowship. $2000.

2011–12 | Undergraduate Stipendium. Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD). 12,000 Euro.


2025 | Co-Prosperity Sphere. "Weird Dreams, Weird Analysis: Gallery Exhibition and Interdisciplinary Symposium." $2,500.

2024 | Artist-Run Chicago Fund + Art Design Chicago. "Center for Concrete and Abstract Machines and FUTURHYTHMACHINES: Chicago House". $12,000.

2022 | "Actualizing Embedded Potentials: Interview-based research protocol." Arizona State University. GPSA Graduate Research and Support Program Grant. $1000.

2021-2025 | Research Practice Partnership: "Engaging Teachers and Neurodiverse Middle School Students in Tangible and Creative Computational Thinking Activities". Project award #2122924. Project co-founder and graduate researcher. $998,712.

2018–19 | DASH Scholars Award. DASH Blockchain and Arizona State University. $5000.

2016 | Materials for Lanterns responsive media apparatus. GPSA Jumpstart research award. Arizona State University. $2000.

2014–15 | Research into Richard Teitelbaum's Golem pieces. Joan Frazer Memorial Award for Judaism in Arts. Center for Jewish Studies, ASU. $1500.

2013–2014 | Fine Arts Talent Award. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts. Arizona State University.

2012–2013 | Fine Arts Talent Award. Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts. Arizona State University.


2023 | Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts conference. Phoenix. SLSA Travel award.

2019 | Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts conference. UC Irvine. NSF SLSA award.

2019 | Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts conference. Toronto. NSF SLSA award.

2018 | Worldbuilding Workshop. DXArts and Comparative History of Ideas. University of Washington. Center for Philosophical Technologies award.

2018 | GPSA individual travel award. Paris. Arizona State University.

2018 | Society for Literature Science and the Arts, EU. Copenhagen. GPSA group travel award, Arizona State University. $8000.

2014 | GPSA individual travel award. Calgary. Arizona State University.

2014 | GPSA individual travel award. Asheville. Arizona State University.

2014 | HIDA Student Enrichment Award. Arizona State University.

2014 | HIDA Student Enrichment Award. Arizona State University.

2014 | School of Music Travel Award. Montreal. Arizona State University.

2014 | School of Music Travel Award. Stony Brook. Arizona State University.


2024 | ICC NSF Award. "Scales of Sustainability: Navigating Tensions and Opportunities in Music Technology Innovation Ecosystems." Finalist. PI Lee Tusman, Co-PI Muindi Fanuel Muindi. $75,000.

2024 | Midwest Arts Grant. "We Don't Know Yet / What a Cinema Can Do expanded cinema festival." $4000.

2024 | Processing Foundation Fellowship. "Open-Source Hardware/Software Videosynth." Co-applicants Kim Nucci, Paige Naylor. $10,000.

2024 | Rasmussen Foundation. Invited proposal. "Writing with Animals: The Anthropocene Laboratory." Co-applicant with 284 Publishers, Froeydi Lazlo. $57,450.

2023 | Processing Foundation Fellowship. "Modes of Processing: Software Illuminated Zine." $10000.


Invited Talks

2023 | HDK Valand School of Design and Art. Gothenburg Sweden. October.

2022 | Pan-Tilt-Zoom Wrong Biennale event. School of the Art Institute of Chicago. March.

2019 | "What is Speculative Engineering?" Speculative Fiction and Nonhuman Studies Workshop, University of Chicago. December 10.

2018 | Alter-economies | Alter-ecologies. Speakers: Brian Massumi, Niklas Damiris. Convened by Sha Xin Wei + Erin Manning. Milieux Institute, Concordia University. June 4.

Conference Organization

2023 | Informal Informations Symposium. CCAM. NEW INC, Manhattan. July 3rd.

2022 | Movement and Computing (MOCO). Virtual Events Chair. June 22-25.

2021 | SloMoCo (sponsored by Movement and Computing [MOCO]). Conference Chair. March-December.

2020 | Learning and Trust. Posthuman Network (PHuN) Symposium. February 20-22.

2019 | Movement and Computing (MOCO). Doctoral Consortium Chair. October 10-12.

2019 | Legacies of Cybernetics. Posthuman Network (PHuN) Symposium. March 24-25.

2018 | Posthuman Politics: Inheriting from 1968. Posthuman Network (PHuN) Graduate Student Conference. February 23-24.

2017 | Society for Literature, Science and the Arts. Workshop Chair & Assistant Art Curator. November 9-12.

2017 | Experiencing the Posthuman. Posthuman Network (PHuN) Graduate Student Conference. March 24-25.

Panels Organized

2024 | FUTURHYTHMACHINES: CHICAGO HOUSE MUSIC with Muindi Fanuel Muindi. Panelists Thomas DeFrantz, Meida McNeal, and Duane Powell. Chicago. May.

2023 | "Weird Dreams, Weird Analysis" with Phillip Thurtle. Society for Literature Science and the Arts. Phoenix. October.

2022 | "Collective Subjectivities" with Angela Sakrison. American Association of Geographers. Feb 25-Mar 1.

2021 | SloMoCo @ SLSA I, II, & III with Jessica Rajko, Lisa Jamhoury, and Megan Young. Society for Literature Science and the Arts. Online. September 30-October 3.

2021 | "Unfriended (2014), a Riff-Along with Andrew Culp" with Angela Sakrison and Muindi Fanuel Muindi. Society for Literature Science and the Arts. Online. September 30-October 3.

2019 | "What is Speculative Engineering?" Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. Irvine. Nov 7-9.

2019 | "Haunted by Cybernetics" Roundtable with Jon Bratt, Thierry Bardini, Angela Sakrison. Society for Literature Science and the Arts. Nov 7-9.

2017 | "Posthuman Ecologies I, II, III" with Jon Bratt, Celina Osuna, Angela Sakrison, and Zach Thomas. Society for Literature Science and the Arts. Nov 9-12.

Papers Presented

2024 | "I WANT AN AI FOR PRESIDENT" with Kristin McWharter. Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. Phoenix. October.

2024 | "CCAM". Electronics Faire. Temple University Library. April.

2023 | "Weird Dreams, Weird Analysis -- Generative Zines for Social Dreaming". Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. Phoenix. October.

2023 | "To Get Concrete, We Need to Get Abstract: Lived Abstraction in the New Media Arts." Informal Informations. Manhattan. July.

2022 | "Diagrammatic Field Reports: Bikepacking, Pathfinding, and Computer-assisted Schizoanalysis." American Association of Geographers. Feb 25-Mar 1.

2022 | "Wearable Technologies for Active Learning and Sensory Regulation with Dignity" w. Anani Vasquez et al. Arizona Council on Exceptional Children. Feb 15-17.

2021 | "From Technique to Technicity: Non-Methodological Exploration of Chairs, Neurodiversity, and School" w. Anani Vasquez, Tim Wells, and Marina Basu. International Congress on Qualitative Methods. May 19-22.

2021 | "Field Work in the Posthumanities" I & II w. Angela Sakrison. American Comparative Literature Association, in Seminar "The Material Turn in Comparative Literature." April 8-11.

2021 | "Field Reports on the Institute for Imposters" w. Anani Vasquez, Tim Wells, and Marina Basu. Techniques in the Making Symposium @ Center for Philosophical Technologies. April 15.

2021 | "The Riff-Along: Arching Towards Experimental, Collaborative, Delight-based Scholarship" w. Angela Sakrison. American Association of Geographers. April 7-11.

2020 | "More-than-human Thought: New Media and Difference in Itself" International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA). October 13-18.

2020 | "Portacular Resonances: Radiophonic Fields as Socioinformatics" American Association of Geographers. April 6-10.

2020 | "Idiotic Resonances and the Uncanny Valley of the Sun: Towards Post-network Socioinformatics." American Comparative Literature Association. March 19-22. Canceled due to Covid-19.

2020 | “Exorcising the Ghosts in the Machine: Towards a Post-Cybernetic New Media Pedagogy". Southwest Humanities Symposium. February 20-22.

2020 | "Portacular Resonances: Radiophonic Fields as Socioinformatics" w. Brandon Mechtley. Alien Processes: Reproduction & Time, The New Centre for Research and Practice. February 1.

2019 | "Idiotic Resonances: Uncanny Valley of the Sun.” Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. October 16-19.

2018 | "Thermal Economies.” Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. November 15-18.

2018 | "Mutual Aid and the Staging of Continuous Economies of Cooperation.” European Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. June 13-18.

2018 | "Mutual Aid and the Staging of Continuous Economies of Cooperation” Why Do Animal Studies? Conference. April 27-28.

2018 | "Mutual Space." Role/Play Creativity and Collaboration Graduate Student Symposium. "Cybernetic Serendipity Revisited." National Academy of the Sciences Colloquium. March 12-14.

2017 | "Coordination and the Asymmetry of Indifference: Experiments with Lanterns Responsive Media System". Society for Literature Science, and the Arts. November 9-12.

2017 | “Towards a Post-Human Experience Through Choreography in the Responsive Media Environment” European Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts. June 24-26.

2017 | "Sentient: Responsive Media, Movement and Experiment towards a Posthuman Experience" Arts in Society: Gestures that Matter. June 14-16.

2014 | Presentations on musical bioregionalism and the site-specific work of David Dunn. Ecomusicologies, UNC Ashville; Under Western Skies, Mont Royal College, Calgary CA; Stony Brook Graduate Music Symposium; McGill Graduate Music Symposium; AMS Rocky Mountain Chapter annual meeting, Arizona State University.

2013 – 2014 | Presentations on musical-dramaturgical interpretations of Nietzsche's philosophy in Wolfgang Rihm’s Opera Dionysos: AMS Rocky Mountain Chapter, Northern Arizona University; Vanderbilt Graduate German Studies Association Conference.


2020 | Legacies of Cybernetics in (Post)Humanistic Geography and Urbanism. American Association of Geographers. April 6-10. Canceled due to Covid-19.

2020 | Collaborative Methods Between Cinema and Media Scholars and Media Geographers. Society of Cinema and Media Studies. April 6-10. Canceled due to Covid-19.


2024 | "CCAM EARTH: Multiperson Musical Interactions with DIY Synths." FUTURHYTHMACHINES: CHICAGO HOUSE MUSIC" hosted by CCAM. Watershed: Art and Ecology. May.

2024 | "In Space Aliens Can Hear You Scream: A Hands-on Introduction to Soldering and DIY Synth". Electronics Faire. Temple University. April.

2022 | "Actualizing Embedded Potentials: Surfacing Missed Connections, Minor Gestures, and Latent Solidarities". What Do We Mean When We Say We? School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). April 22.

2021 | "Diagrammatic Field Reports: Bikepacking and Computer-assisted Journaling" for participation in HCI Cycling Workshop at MobileHCI. September 27-October 1.

2019 | "Co-constructing Events in Responsive Environments" w. Sha Xin Wei et al. Movement and Computing (MOCO). October 10-12.

2019 | "Composing Ecosystemically in Responsive Environments with Gestural Media, Objects and Textures" w. Sha Xin Wei et al. Association for Computing Machinery: Tangible Embedded/Embodied Interaction (TEI). March 17-20.

2018 | Urban Extremophiles. Laboratory for Critical Technics. Contributions to design workshop faciltiated by Lisa Ma. Arizona State University.

2017 | "Coordinations and Coarticulations: Enacted Experiments and Games with Responsive Media." Society for Literature Science, and the Arts. November 9-12.

2017 | "Coordinations, Collisions, and Contusions." Post-Human Network (PHuN) Graduate Student Conference. March 24-25.

2015 | “atmospheres for thought,” w. Angela Ellsworth, Dehlia Hannah, Ron Broglio, Hugh Crawford, Sha Xin Wei. Balance/Unbalance. March 19-29.

media art

performances [abridged]

2024 | modular synthesis. NoNation. Chicago IL.

2023 | modular synthesis. Comfort Station. Chicago IL.

2023 | modular synthesis. Comfort Station. Chicago IL.

2021 | live video and sound coding. A Tilting Body of Precarious Maps. Bus Projects, Melbourne AU.

2017 | tired hearts bleed darkness and kick light cello and live electronics for dance. San Francisco Mission District Theater.

2017 | tired hearts bleed darkness and kick light cello and live electronics for dance. Tempe Center for the Arts, AZ.

2017 | Sentient, Lanterns. interactive dance. Goldsmiths University, London UK.

2016 | visible sketch v. 3. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington DC.

2016 | tired hearts bleed darkness and kick light cello and live electronics for dance. Western Wyoming Community College. Rock Springs, WY.

2016 | visible sketch v. 3. Western Wyoming Community College. Rock Springs, WY.

2016 | gbjjck improvised live electronics and cello. Society for Electroacoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS). Statesboro, GA.

2016 | gbjjck improvised live electronics and cello. The Trunk Space. Phoenix, AZ.

2016 | gari laptop ensemble piece. Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center, OH.

2016 | _gulch__. live electronics improvisation. Oh My Ears! Mesa Performing Arts Center, AZ.

2016 | _gulch__. live electronics improvisation. Interference Series. Flagstaff, AZ.

2015 | live electronics + cello improvisation for dance. SSOO. Flagstaff, AZ.

2015 | laptop ensemble performance. SSOO. Flagstaff, AZ.

2014 | laptop ensemble and immersive media performance. A2RU. Iowa State University. Ames, IA.

installation + group shows

2019 | Idiotic Resonances. Stadt Land Fluss. Berlin, DE.

2019 | Idiotic Resonances. Experimental Engagements: Happenings. University of California Irvine, CA.

2019 | Idiotic Resonances. Uncanny Valley curated by David Corns. Wave Pool Gallery. Cincinnati, OH.

2018 | Deeptime Archeologies. Timeshores. Arizona State University Phoenix Gallery.

2016-17 | TOPO interactive public art installation. Scottsdale Public Art, InFlux Cycle 6. Scottsdale Fashion Square, AZ.

2015 |celestial variations//:i. ARTELPHX. Phoenix. AZ.

2014 |Surveillance Trap. Covert Operations. Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art educational space, AZ.



grad + mixed








2023-2024 | SAIC Art Technology and Sound Practices, curriculum committee

2023-2024 | SAIC Art and Technology Studies, graduate admissions committee

2020-present | Movement and Computing (MOCO) Steering Committee, member

2016-present | Society for Literature Science and the Arts, member

2016 | New Instruments for Musical Expression, reviewer

2016 | Movement and Computing, reviewer

2015–2018 | AMESA (Arts, Media and Engineering Graduate Student Association), director

2013-2015 | Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Musicological Society, student representative


languages: JS/HTML/CSS, python, Java

multimedia technologies: Max/MSP/Jitter (Gen~, Jamoma, odot, MUBU, ICST), OpenCV, PureData, OSC, SuperCollider, IRCAM tools

applications: Ableton Live, Max4Live, MadMapper, Unity, Digital Performer, Sibelius, Finale, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere), Logic, Reaper

physical computing: Daisy, Arduino, Teensy, Bela, Raspberry Pi, piezo microphones, thermal cameras, IMUs (accelerometer, gyroscope), solenoids

blockchain: Ethereum Solidity, GPU mining

multimedia libraries: processing, p5*js, openGL

web technologies: heroku, AWS, digital ocean, weebly, GoogleApps, Twitter Bootstrap, squarespace, googlesites, wiki, Twitter API

machine learning: wekinator, TensorFlow, ComfyUI, local GPTs

motion capture: OpenNI/Kinect OptiTrack


German (DSH3; C2)

Spanish (basic)

Latin (reading)

English (native)